Nestled in the tranquility of Shisen-do temple, there lived an Akita Japanese warrior dog named Hachiko. She was a paragon of loyalty and courage. Hachiko's journey began when she was adopted by the temple's head monk, where she underwent rigorous training, honing her protective instincts.
Hachiko's finest hour came when she bravely defended the temple against trespassers, sounding the alarm and preventing any harm to the sacred grounds. Her unwavering loyalty and courage endeared her to all who heard her tale.
Today, Hachiko's memory lives on as a symbol of protection and devotion at Shisen-do temple, reminding us that heroism and love can be found even in the most peaceful of settings.
Shisen-do V2 Acrylic 💫🏯
- Limited to 50 pieces
- Max 4 per 🏯
- Velcro Backed
#Hachiko #ShisenDo #HeroicAkita #JapaneseWarrior